Thursday, January 26, 2017

Great Gatsby Remix

In paragraph 1 the author talks a lot about how Gatsby's neighbor Nick is very impressed with a story that Gatsby told him and he goes along and tells a few people and also Gatsby and Nick live in the poorish side of town but Garsby lives in a mansion which was very weird to Nick, in real life there's a few places like this where the rich people might live in the poor side of town because they might think it's more quiet or the streets might be empty a lot

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Great Gatsby Notes 2

In chapter 1 we got a few ideas of how the character might feel about themselves and we notice how the rest of then book might be and what some problems might be.

Great Gatsby Notes

The first day I didn't really get the story because the story switched up on us a few times but this book seems pretty interesting from the little we read.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Everything Is A Remix

Remix- to combine or edit existing materials, to produce something new
          • the term "Remix" originally applied to music

Anyone is able to Remix anything basically, you don't need expensive tools, you don't even need skills

Remix is a good metaphor for any kind of new creation of something that already exists

You can't still anyone's idea so you just add "Remix" to it so they know you did your own version

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Music As Literature

I believe music and literature could be the same because some singers try to make their songs educational but then there's some signers like the rappers that take to the next level and add a lot about drugs and say lots of profanity